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​Simply put; to design, challenge and build the best version of you.


Want to get the edge on the competition?


​Lose weight?


Gain muscle?


Optimise your mental and physical health?


Why wait? Challenge yourself today to design and empower the best version of you.

who am i?

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My name is Connor and I am your Personal Trainer.


I am a fitness professional with a lifetime of experience in sport and fitness, holder of a BEng in Sports Design Engineering and a REPS certified Personal Trainer operating in Scotland.


My passion has always been centred in the sport and fitness industry and I have competed around the country, and overseas, in Rugby, Basketball, Martial Arts, Gymnastics and Athletics from a young age.


I have been a PT for many years and have helped many clients achieved and surpass their goals in weight loss and multiple sport disciplines. I have designed tutorial posters for the squat, bench press and deadlift, as well as hosted masterclass workshops on the three lifts.


Now I'm here to help you. 


Why not check out what clients have said about their training experiences?



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